Task Instructions

Welcome to Blogger!

 Today we will take a different approach to recapping what we have learnt in understanding criminal behaviour. You will have all been divided into groups. Each group will be assigned a different criminal profile to apply one psychological theory of criminality to.

 Here is a list of the case studies each group has been assigned to, and what approach you should apply to it:

 Group 1: Edmund Kemper - Cognitive Theories
 Group 2: Ted Bundy - Neuro
 Group 3: Jeffery Dahmer - Neuro
 Group 4: Joseph and Michael Kallinger - DAT
 Group 5: Michelle Carter - Cognitive Theories
 Group 6: Jon Venables & Robert Thompson - SLT

 After reading this page, click on the WebQuest page to access links for your given criminal cases. These links will then take you to relevant websites regarding the criminal cases or about their psychological underpinning.

Once you have read through the information in the given articles, you will then create a post on this blog, summarising your findings and application. There will be a prototype post that can be found on the home page to give you an idea of how to structure your work.

How to make a post

Click the "New Post" icon on the top right hand hand side of your screen once you have stopped viewing this blog. Here you will record your information, but first, make sure the "Compose" box in the top left corner is active, opposed to the HTML box. Once you have finished writing the post, click the "Publish" box, to share your post with the rest of the class. Finally, remember to add a title!

What you need to include - Session Objectives:

Description of criminal biography
Explain and summarise your relevant theory
Apply the theory to the criminal 

 Final Thoughts 

 Do not be afraid to deviate from the prototype post. Feel free to be creative (add pictures or even videos if you like).Additionally, you are welcome to use other sources of information than the links provided in this blog.

 However, if you do not complete this during the current session, please work in your groups to complete this on your own time. The rationale behind this task is to test your abilities, and to apply what you know of these psychological theories to real case studies. In-turn, this should improve your retention and understanding of the information. Moreover, due to this task involving a class blog, you can share and learn from each others posted findings. So, make sure your posts are informative!

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